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BodyWorks Massage & Wellness

Goal-Oriented Massage Services in Northwest Arkansas

Bodyworks Massage and Wellness has a unique approach and execution of massage therapy. I emphasize techniques and custom designed sessions, tailored to the client in front of me. I call this Goal-Oriented Massage Therapy.

Goal-Oriented Massage Therapy is a combination of various massage techniques; brought together to deliver an effective, focused, custom designed massage session, tailored to you. The term “goal oriented” stems from the idea that everyone has a desired outcome (goal) for their massage session. After an initial conversation discussing your desired outcome, the therapist utilizes a myriad of techniques throughout the entire session in order to meet those goals.

To an experienced therapist, there is no such thing as Swedish Massage or Deep Tissue Massage. There are Swedish Techniques and Deep Tissue Techniques. Both techniques having a place within the same massage

session. Other techniques, such as Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release and Cupping, also have their place in many a massage session. Goal-Oriented Massage Therapy can be applied to sessions that are solely focused on relaxing the body and quieting the mind. Goals of relaxation are just as important as goals to relieve or manage chronic pain conditions.

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Click each massage technique below to learn more:

  • Swedish Techinque

    The most used and versatile technique in the profession. Swedish Techniques are used throughout all massage sessions, bringing all the techniques and the entire massage together into a cohesive flow.  The Swedish Technique focuses on relaxation and enhancing circulation.  Pressure applied can range from very light to firm but gentle, gradually releasing tension and breaking down the “knots”.   This technique helps to warm the muscles and soft connective tissues.  Swedish components are used as a primer for deeper manual therapy.  If no deep tissue techniques are needed or desired, Swedish Technique is excellent for relaxing and an overall boost in serotonin. 

  • Deep Tissue Technique

    This is by far the most popular massage technique.  Many of the same Swedish Technique components are Deep Tissue Techniques, although the pressure applied is what separates the two.  A Deep Tissue Technique is focused on lessening the restrictions found in the soft tissue.  It is an in-depth approach to relieving pain caused by musculoskeletal issues.  This type of technique is also highly subjective.  “Deep tissue work” is different for every client AND every therapist.  Nonetheless, it is a versatile technique that can be used for all clients with a variety of massage goals.  Whether it’s to relax or for pain management, this is a great technique! Results from receiving deep tissue work include but are not limited to, increased range of motion, increased blood flow, reduction in adhered tissues (knots), flushing of lactic acid & other fluids, and an overall sense of well-being & renewal.

  • Neuromuscular Therapy

    Descritpion coming soon...

  • Cupping

    Description coming soon...

  • Cross-Fiber Friction

    Description coming soon...

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